

中文名 English Translation (等级) 章


 - 其他

Gunner Superclass/Class Type (枪手系)

Sharpshooter (神枪手)

滑铲 Slide Kick (10) 18

膝撞 Knee Strike 180

回旋踢 Roundhouse Kick 49

踏射 Punisher 63

枪术精通 [Gun Mastery] (Upon Classing) 1484

乱射 Random Firing (60) 340

巴雷特狙击 Thunder Snipe (70) 317

速射 [Speed Firing] 1588

暴射 [Berserk Firing] 1588

曲射 [Curve Firing] 1588

怒射 [Rage Firing] 1625

散射 [Scattered Firing] 1301

双重控制 Dual Load 340

左右开弓 [Ambidextrous Shot] 1301

承前启后 [Successive Shot] 1301

枪炮武术 Firearm Martial Arts 653
 -  枪体术 Sharpshooter Close Combat 910

Launcher (枪炮师)

拔击 Swing (1) 119

BBQ Barbecue 49

格林机枪 Gatling Gun 112

反坦克炮 Anti-Tank Missiles 252
 - 三点炮 Tri-Shot 91

重火力控制 [Artillery Mastery] (Upon Classing) 1202

加农炮 Cannonball (25) 112

激光炮 Laser Rifle (30) 151

刺弹炮 FIM-92/Stinger 90

蓄能火炮 [Charged Artillery] (Upon Awakening) 1330

卫星射线 Satellite Beam (70) 342

稳定炮架 [Mounted Gun] (75) 1544

飓风炮 [Cyclone Blast] (75) 1458

量子炮 Quantum Bomb 180

热感飞弹 Heat-Seeking Missiles 90

悬磁炮 X-1 Extruder 181

破甲炮 [Armor Crushing Cannon] 1457

 -  雪花火力线 [Snowflake Firing Line] 1522

Spitfire (弹药专家)

浮空弹 Floating Bullet (1) 180

撞击式手雷 Impact Grenade 368

僵直弹 Stun Bullet 480

燃烧弹 [Burning Bullet] 1373

弹药扩充 Ammunition Expansion (Upon Classing) 217

冰弹 Freezing Bullet (30) 217

乱雷 [Chaotic Thunder] (70) 1159

烟雾弹 Smoke Bullet 660

闪光弹 [Flash Bullet] 1120

爆炎弹 [Conflagration Bullet] 1556

爆缩式手雷 [Implosion Grenade] 1159

感电式手雷 [Shock Grenade] 1426

定时式手雷 [Timed Grenade] 1163

毒气瓦斯式手雷 [Poisonous Gas Grenade] 1159

遥控式手雷 [Remote Grenade] 1163

Mechanic (机械师)

机械追踪 Mechanical Seeker (5) 445

机械旋翼 Rotor Wing 283

机械空投 Machine Drop 511

机械拳 Mechanical Punch 910

钻臂冲击 Drill Attack 910

火箭推进器 Rocket Propeller 910

空气压缩机 Air Compressor 912

跳雷 [Mine] 1001

磁场线圈 [Magnetic Zone] 1001

火箭拳 [Rocket Fist] 1002

加速器 [Accelerator] 1002

电子眼 [Mechanical Eye] 1598

捕食者 [Mechanical Gatherer] 1004

巡游者 [Roaming Sentries] 1004

放大镜 [Magnifier] 1004

捕猎者 [Mechanical Hunter] 1007

自走火炮 [Automatic Turrets] 1008

Swordsman Superclass/Class Type (剑士系)

Blademaster (剑客)

上挑 Upwards Slash (1) 109

连突刺 Lunge (5) 199

格挡 Guard (5) 5

拔刀斩 Sword Draw 445

银光落刃 Falling Light Blade 37

剑武精通 Sword Mastery (Upon Classing) 111

三段斩 Triple Slash (25) 75

逆风刺 Headwind Strike (45) 446

剑定天下 [Sword’s Divine Judgement] (Upon Awakening) 1399

剑刃风暴 [Bladestorm] (65) 1402

幻影无形剑 Formless Phantom Blade (70) 323

落英式 [Falling Blossom Form] (75) 923

流星式 [Meteor Form]  (75) 923

破空式 [Piercing Form]  (75) 923

回风式 [Curving Wind Form]  (75) 923

剑落长空 Sky-Plunging Blade 510

升龙斩 Rising Dragon Slash 90

剑影步 Shadow Steps 180

落凤斩 Falling Phoenix Slash 445

仙人指路 [Divine Guidance] 1398

迎风一刀斩 Downwind Sword Slash 862

长空剑击 Sky Splitting Slash 733

风残草尽 [Waning Wind Fading Grass] 945

Berserker (狂剑士) 

倒斩 Backwards Slash (1) 109

重击 Heavy Hit (5) 135

崩山击 Collapsing Mountain 29

冲撞刺杀 Colliding Stab 109

十字斩 Gore Cross 306

血气唤醒 Blood Awakening (Upon Classing) 141

狂暴 Berserk (25) 135

嗜血奋战 [Desperate Struggle] (Upon Awakening) 1184

怒血狂涛 Crimson Storm (70) 484

绝地风暴 [Apocalyptic Tempest] (75) 950

嗜血 [Bloodthirst] (75) 951

地裂斩 Earth Shattering Slash 484

血气之剑 Blood Sword 443

血影狂刀 Wild Blood Strike 510

旋风斩 [Whirlwind Strike] 929

噬魂血手 [Soul-Devouring Crimson Grip] 929

破魔斩 [Demon-Slaying Slash] 1026

破灭斩 [Destruction Slash] 929

Spellblade (魔剑士)

地裂波动剑 Earthquake Sword (5) 5

裂波斩 Wave Wheel Slasher 170

杀意波动 [Killing Intent] (Upon Classing) 1593

烈焰波动剑 Fire Wave Sword 494

冰霜波动剑/ 冰霜波动剑 Ice Wave Sword/Chilling Sword Pulse 818

碎风波动剑 [Storm Wave Sword] 1199

圆旋波动剑 [Waltzing Wave Sword] 1200

疾光波动剑/机光波动剑 [Light Wave Sword] 1672

冰创波动阵 Ice Wave Formation 654

烈焰波动阵 Fire Wave Formation 824

电光波动阵/雷光波动阵 Electric Wave Formation 492

星云波动剑 [Celestial Wave Sword] (75) 1595

Ghostblade (鬼剑士)

鬼爪 Ghost Claw (1) 178

鬼斩 Ghost Slash (5) 7
 -  冰封鬼斩 [Ice Seal Ghost Slash] 1225

刀魂守护/刀阵 Sword Soul/Sword Boundary (10) 177 There are two ways of writing each boundary’s name, one is with Soul, and one is with Boundary

月光斩 Moonlight Slash (15) 189
-  暗月光斩 [Dark Moonlight Slash] 1226

满月斩 Full Moonlight Slash (20)189
-  炎噬满月 [Flame-Bitten Full Moon] 1226

残影 Shadow Image (25) 176

冰魂 Ice Soul (30) 176

炎阵 Flame Boundary 515

瘟阵 Plague Boundary 515

血魂守护 Blood Soul 810

灰阵 Ash Boundary 837

暗阵 [Dark Boundary] 1333

静默之阵 [Silence Boundary] 1321

鬼步 [Ghost Step] 1228

死亡墓碑 Tombstone 837

鬼神盛宴 [Ghost Feast] 988

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